Keys to Mastering Time Management

We are all looking for the secret sauce to master time management, but before we do anything we have to identify where we spend most of our time.

As you read through these four areas do an honest reflection on where the majority of your time is being spent.  

The Quadrant of Urgency

This is the area where you don't want to live for too long.  Crises, fires, and pressing problems will come up from time to time, but to live here too long is not sustainable.

The Quadrant of Distraction

This is the area that we all know so well. In this age of instant everything with everything at our finger tips, it's no wonder we can't seem to get anything done. If you master your distractions, you master your time.

The Quadrant of Wasted Time

This is the area that can be easy to gravitate towards especially if you are stressed or burned out. These include your go to time wasters such as escape activities, busywork and those tasks which keeps you from doing what actually needs to be done.


The Quadrant of Quality  

This is the area where you want to live. Where you are focused on preparation, planning, and prevention. Therefore you can also spend a lot of time on relationships and empowering yourself and others.

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