Managing a budget and setting yourself up for a lifetime of financial success is challenging. It’s far too common that we experience stress and worry when it comes to our financial situation, leaving us fearful we won’t have enough to support our family and experience the future we desire. We begin to wonder if we’ll ever get ahead, and begin to worry or feel shame when we don’t know where to start or what to do next.
This is why we offer Financial Coaching programs to the companies we serve, so you and your employees can collectively experience the joy and freedom that comes with a healthy financial outlook. These programs have strategic areas of focus and can become a valuable individual or group exercise to empower and strengthen your team members!
As a certified Ramsey Master Financial Coach, Mikaela provides two tailored approaches to financial training that focus on the same key areas listed above, but with options to customize the length and approach.
In a group setting, we will look closely at spending habits to see how your behaviors impact your bottom line. We will take a high level approach at understanding the line by line details of what goes into a budget and how you will stick to it.
Dive deeper to create a personalized tailored approach to your finances. We will review every detail of your budget, your retirement plan, and how your own habits might be getting in the way of your larger financial goals.
Start your journey to financial freedom by scheduling a free consultation to discuss a customized program that is right for you or your team.
One size doesn’t fit all. We can customize the timeline, the number of people in your group, and specific objectives to fit your needs and situation.
Experience the relief and joy that comes with financial freedom. Through this training, you will be empowered to live and give like never before!
Don’t let a dysfunctional work environment or dysfunctional team hold your company back. Take our free team assessment or schedule a time to meet!