Happy New Year!
A big part of starting the year off right is having the right PERSPECTIVE, but it is also understanding that each of your team members comes to the table with a different perspective as well.
Each has their own roles and responsibilities and sees things through their lens. It doesn't mean they are always right, or you are always right, but we all have blind spots and the beginning of the year is a great time to talk through perspective and make sure you are all on the same page!
Here are 3 ways to ensure you and your team stay on the same page.
Before you communicate vision with your team make sure you have no doubts about the direction you're setting. Get the clarity you need and KEEP IT SIMPLE. I am amazed how many leaders go back and forth with their goals and then wonder why their team isn't following through on their ever-changing expectations.
Never assume you know what your team is thinking or feeling. ASK them specific questions about projects, their responsibilities, and expectations for the year. You might be surprised the answers you receive. Take time to "see through their eyes" and in doing so your team will be stronger.
I can't stress this last tip enough. Do you truly know what your customer likes about your product or service? Do you know what they wish you would do better? Again, take the time toASK them and find out how you can better serve them, and put yourself in their shoes. They will be grateful for the effort.
Best of luck in 2025 to you and your team!
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