How to Know When to Keep Them or Let Them Go


Have you ever found yourself in that spot wondering if it's time to move towards eliminating an employee?

You need...The Keeper Test! 


Taken from Netflix they use these two questions in deciding if a person should stay or go. 


1.  If person x wants to leave today, would we fight to keep them?


2. Knowing everything I know today would we hire them again?

They say, if both are a NO then it’s fairer for everywhere to part ways quickly.  


No one benefits (the employee included whose underperforming), or the team, or the leaders. 

Everybody loses when you keep an employee too long. 


Remember their behavior is a language that's telling you more than all the words they may throw at you.


In the end, words fall deaf on their actions which are screaming right in front of you! 

If you still need help in the process of letting an employee go reach out at the link below. I am happy to help! 

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